09 November 2007


At First Sight

Robert Graves

'Love at first sight,' some say, misnaming
Discovery of twinned helplessness
Against the huge tug of procreation.

But friendship at first sight? This also
Catches fiercely at the surprised heart
So that the cheek blanches and then blushes.

People talk about love as if 'romantic' were the only option. That's nonsense. Love comes in many hues and shapes and tastes and shades and patterns and . . . and thanks be to the God of your choice (or to the wonders of random happenstance if you have none) that it does.

Graves was not alone in knowing this. Here's Melville ("Call me Ishmael.") pursuing Graves' topic: “Friendship at first sight, like love at first sight is said to be the only truth."

And when first sight is blanched by second and second dimmed by third as friendship grows, then we have a potent truth indeed.

I'll cherish that.

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